Friday, May 27, 2011


I had to start a blog during our personal recession...

I can't thrift as much as I'd like right now. I only go to the stores every 2 weeks instead of every week. I am going through shopping withdrawal!

But I am getting more cleaning done.
I love owls. I know, I know, everyone loves owls now. I have loved owls since I was a kid, but they just never sold much owl stuff until now. So I've been buying up new and thrifted owl objects. I keep them on a rotation so there is never too much on display at one time.

Today I grabbed a totally cool owl statue. He may have been part of a set of bookends at one time, but I don't think so, its not heavy enough. those little blue blobs that din't come out well are pressed glass owl taper candle holders.

The whale is going in my bathroom, just cause he's cute. And I don't know where to put the print yet. It's one of my favorites though so I had to pick it up. The printed plastic thing behind it a totally awesome serving tray. I don't have any that are non-holiday, so it's coming with me to a bunch of picnics this summer.

Also got a couple skirts, but that's not what this is for. Items in the picture cost about 13 dollars. Was it worth it? The white owl and the picture are worth that much to me. Happiness!

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